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Saturday, January 14, 2017

The amelioration of games' graphical quality have been remarkable. As it comes closer to be looked like real image, clips from videogames are used as a vast amount of news representation on several media.

One of them is the alleged Russian cyber attack towards the US apropos to the US Presidential election which incur the tense relation of Russia and US to be at its culmination. Alleged Russia is contemplated to have a salient but also iffy role in Trump's victory which is fairly unforeseeable as Trump frequently cited several barbarous and capricious statements either on his speech or his snatches of conversation which is perturbed that he could lead such a despotic regime for the United States. Several media are competing to report such news.

But there's something peculiar about this alleged Russian cyber attack news, CNN took a trimmed clip which is genuinely taken from Fallout 4 videogame. This was first discerned by a Reddit users with an account name 'Poofylicious', where he got a news using a computer screen image with a....

Monday, January 2, 2017

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A few times before, on twitter was actively discussed about Indonesia's response which is abstain in a plebiscite of a  resolution scheme in UN Human Rights Council. what's the elucidation of Indonesia Foreign Minister ?

Discussion on Twitter became prominent after the appearance of image footage of the voting results with caption 'The Human Rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic'. In that photo, Indonesia's status was abstain.This incur great discussion, and not less people scrutinize Indonesia's decision remembering the situation in Aleppo,Syria is now in serious torment.

Image Footage of several countries' vote

Indonesia's Foreign Minister "Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi" explained that indeed Indonesia had ever been abstain in a voting in UN session about Human Rights violation in Syria. That was Indonesia's response in voting about resolution scheme in UN Human Rights Council, not in the newest resolution on December 2016.

"Resolution scheme from UN Human Rights Council which was related to humanitarian condition in Syria was voted in July 2016", said Retno.

"Indonesian delegation took abstain response about resolution scheme because it isn't equipoise as it only comprised human rights violation by Bashar Al Assad regime, and doesn't encompass any reference about human rights violation by opposition group and other non state actors", said Retno.

Moreover, Indonesia delegation's contemplation to remain abstain was no other than to assure the safety of Indonesian citizens. Even till now there's still Indonesian citizens in Syria.

"Don't we take a position which is more controlled by other nation. We consider base on our national importance. There's still many Indonesians in Syria.", said Retno.

Everyday Retno assures the safety of Indonesians in Syria. About resolution scheme of Human Rights, Retno explicated that it was initiated by the US and Saudi Arabia.

"Both criticize Human Rights but just from one side. Violation is an offense, but when it does take sides, that's what we don't want", said Retno.

But thereby, Indonesia wasn't abstain during a resolution in UN general assembly for halting violence in Aleppo,Syria which is held on 9 December 2016. Even Indonesia had participated to make and support resolution of stopping violence in Syria.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Pokemon Go fever has become the Indonesian parliament's essential heed. The parliament decided to discuss about the impact of Pokemon Go sudden prominence with the Minister of Information and Technology.

"I thought every development is discussed in every meeting, therefore this is quite phenomenal. In Indonesia it's still unofficial to be played, I prescribe not to play", said the head of Indonesian first commission parliament.

The people at the parliament really emphasize this game which bases on Augmented Reality. According to Abdul Kharis, there's something chary from this game 'Pokemon Go'.

"For strategic places, sensing could be useful. We need to be cautious", divulged the politician of PKS party.

From the game side, Abdul Kharis assessed that Pokemon Go is just a total waste of time. Although this game prompts young people to be more active walking without tramping instead of staying or wandering inside the house. But still he acknowledged this game as a useless and trivival things.

"I coax the Minister of Information and Technology to evaluate back about Pokemon Go's appliance permission in Indonesia........... writingg.......

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Anwar or Rizal convicted for rape and murder could escape from Salemba jail,Jakarta,Indonesia.He took boon of the Eid Mubarak holiday for breakout because at that time, many people were visiting their incarcerated families.

Anwar has been caught at a hut in Jasinga jungle,Bogor,West Java,Indonesia without resistance. The Major Criminal Director of Indonesian National Police 'Krishna Mukti' who led the operation asked Anwar how he escaped.

Krishna asked how Anwar escaped from Salemba jail. Anwar conceded before he escaped, he had gotten much information that during the Eid Mubarak holiday the jail will be congested.

That moment, according to Anwar is the most precise moment for a breakout. Then on Thursday, opportunitiy came. When the jail became populous, Anwar who is being visited by his wife changed his cloth.

 Footage Image Caught By CCTV Showing How Anwar Escaped

Anwar wore a muslim woman apparel provided by his wife. "I changed cloth at the meeting room. I wore double cloth", Said Anwar to Krishna Mukti.

According to Anwar, when he wore the woman's apparel, no one neither the visitors nor the prisoners noticed. "No one discerned, because people were crammed in that meeting room", added Anwar.

Krishna also asked how he could escape the prison security and Anwar answered, "By using a marker. I just traced my wife's stamp which every visitor must have during visit. I bought the marker at a shop inside the jail".

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Indonesian Attorney General 'Haji Muhhamad Prasetyo' stated that excecution wave 3 will be accomplished after the Eid Mubarak holiday. Head of Indonesian Police public relation 'Inspector General Boy Rafli' said that police are ready to commit the execution.

"We have provided our personnel to offer the help for Attorney General. which certain, that the personnel is ready", said Head of Indonesian Police public relation.

Boy said, about 24 personnel from Police Headquarter have been in Nusakambangan to secure the execution. Boy added, its authority will deploy all the same personnel which were used in execution wave 2.

Although security and executor team have ready, Boy admitted that he hasn't known when the execution will be accomplished. According to him, the Indonesian Attorney General is the one who has discretion to decide.

Before, Attorney General said that execution will be held after Eid Mubarak. but, there's still several controversy or people who contradict death sentences, comprising from media and protest from other countries. Even so, Indonesian Attorney General affirmed that their contradiction couldn't debar the execution plan.

The Attorney General said the implementation of execution is just about waiting. When being asked about the number of convicts, 'Haji Muhhamad Prasetyo' still doesn't want to utter. but before he has said 18 people.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Many people are avid of playing Clash Of Clans. It's deniable, the game established by Supercell is immensely prominent. Supercell is now being struck down with blessings. Their stock majority has been bought by a giant game company which genesis is from China, Tencent, with exorbitant price for about, USD 8.6 billion or about Rp 114 Trillion (In Indonesian Currency).

Supercell is now led by CEO Ilkka Paanaen who's also one of the founders. Paanaenen has crisscrossed in mobile game industry. He Inaugurated Sumea mobile game developer in 2000, when cell phones are still having black and white screen which is quiet fundamental.

Then, he join with Digital Chocolate after that company acquired Sumea in 2004. Even Sumea grew bigger and its employees became a hundred. In 2010, Paananen and another five Sumea excecutive decided to leave. They established Supercell.

"We have a dream about a company where there is no long process, no bureaucracy, where the best people could concentrate doing their best, becomes creative and creates a game", said Pananeen.

That's why since the commencement, Supercell never has many employees. At this time or precisely six years after it was established, the company just have a total of 180 employees.

The process of making game is usually simple. They appoint a deadline for creating a game. If it's done, the game will be shown to all of the employees and being played. if it is adored, the game will be developed, if not it'll be shut down.

If a game was discontinued, they even celebrate it with a champagne. "We insist to celebrate not the failure but the learning experiences that come from that failure", said Paananen.


As common, Supercell initially has to struggle to achieve success. In 2011, they released a multiplayer game named 'Sunshine' for Facebook. Game which was assessed good but too complex for Facebook's user. Gunshine failed to allure intention.

Gunshine was finally shut down and Panaanen was a little bit frantic."We have a highly senior team, with more than 10 years experiences and have nothing. Situation became now or never", evoked Paananen.

In January 2012, Supercell had 5 games under development. 3 games were appraised not so good and never launched. 2 games were decided to be launched is Hay Day and Clash Of Clans. Both are focused on mobile platforms.

The decision was unerring because that time smartphone was dominating the world. In 2011, there's 472 million smartphone sold. In 2014, the sales reach 1,24 billion. A big potential for Supercell.

Mercifully, Hay Day and Clash Of Clans attain great success. Especially Clash Of Clans, strategic game that is addictive. This game could be played freely to reach as many people as possible. But gamer could buy a feature to alleviate the game.

Apparently, not less gamers who are willing to spend a lot of money. According to Supercell, there's a gamer who spends till 1.600 pound per month for Clash Of Clans.

Till now, Clash Of Clans is still being adored and consistent in peaking the most popular application in IOS and Android platform. Supercell is enthused by giant technology company. It stocks had ever been owned by Softbank, now Supercell becomes Tencent after it was acquired.

"This deal allow Supercell to be owned privately as before. That's an appropriate thing for our small size and unique culture compared to public company where our attention is with the coercion from the financial market for a short-term thinking", uttered Paananen.

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