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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Camp Bucca, a US owned prison which is located in a desert region of South Iraq and indeed not as prominent as the other US prison. But this prison is dubbed as the 'university of terrorist' which is known to born those leaders of radical militant or ISIS.

In 2004, an islamic theologian named Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri was committed to this prison because of his implication in radical organisation known as 'Jamaat Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah'. After 11 years, he is known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who becomes the most wanted terrorist in the world because of leading ISIS which is known for its savage. Although Camp Bucca doesn't have any direct factors in ISIS's birth, experts agree that Camp Bucca plays a pivotal role in its formation.

"It's been certain that Camp Bucca is ISIS incubator", said Quillam Foundation researcher,Rachel Bryson, an expert who studies about ISIS and Jihad. Bryson said that the US facility like this is just identical with the Harvard version for terrorist which enables prisoners to enlarge their network and stack a blue print from the organisation which is now known as ISIS.

"If you observe ISIS right now, they are intending to build a country where there's religion expert, education expert, military expert, and the people who has many expertise in different category, able to encounters and set up a plan", said him.

Prisoners in Camp Bucca
Al-Baghadi is one of hundred of thousand of people who have ever been detained in Camp Bucca after the US incursion to Iraq. Meanwhile, the media spotlight is more concentrated to other US prison in Iraq, Abu Ghairib, which is uttered as the center for torture, obliviously Camp Bucca has become the  development center for radicalism. At least 9 ISIS's senior leader have been locked here, one of them is 'Bark', a colonel from Saddam Hussein regime that became the founder of ISIS.

One of ISIS senior leader 'Abu Ahmed' said that Camp Bucca is a flawless plan for terrorist to sit together and stack a plan. Abu Ahmed who confess to meet Al-Baghadi in this Camp Bucca said, that time, Al-Baghadi is capable to build a terrorist network furtively without surging the US suspicions.

"I felt that he secrete something inside, an iniquity that he doesn't want to show. He is different than others who are easier to be approached. He dissociates himself, away from all of us", he added, while saying that Baghadi was respected by the prison staff at that time.

"If he wants to visit another person in that Camp, he could, but we couldn't. And meanwhile he engage a new strategy, compiled furtively as no one knows, and it's to form ISIS. If there's no US prison in Iraq, there will be no ISIS. Bucca is a factory. A factory which bornt us all. It bornt our ideology", said him.

Camp Bucca Gate
According to Major Doug Stone from US marine who had been tasked to manage Camp Bucca, the effort to muffle the development of radicalism had been done by deploying modern islamic priest, but it's too late. Former US military veterant, Andrew Thompson, who is on duty for 8 years in Iraq and also academics Jeremi Suri, said that vestige of radicalism is hard to be removed from that prison.

"In Camp Bucca, for example, the most radical prisoner is placed with the innocuous one, several of them aren't guilty for any criminal action. Prison coalition had become recruitement place and drilling area for terrorist who now threaten the US", he uttered.

Camp Bucca was closed in 2009 and during its peak period, this camp had accommodate about 26 thousand prisoners. Now this camp is being converted to a hotel managed by Kufan Group. 
Future Update Might Be Available.......


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